Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  

Strategix Summit

Most dental practices face increasing competition in the marketplace, constant pressure to stay on the leading edge of technological advances, and the challenge of attracting and keeping enthusiastic patients, and competent, committed team members. Growing a business that meets those challenges successfully takes foresight, innovation, vision, and bold, decisive action.

"Thank you so much for working with us CoraMarie! Since the Summit, our team is so positive, so anxious to get started with all the ideas and programs discussed! You have been such an inspiration, thanks so much for all the tools you have shared… we are so excited with all that Strategix brought us! We look forward to working with you again in the future!"  

- Roxanne Lecerf, Practice Coordinator

Strategix Summit

The Strategix Summit is a powerful and effective method for collaboratively developing strategies and a detailed action plan that will make your practice everything you’ve always wished it could be!

Frequently Asked Questions

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