Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  Services provided in Canada, the United States and now expanding to Europe!  -  GET IN TOUCH  -  
September 12, 2022


S         Sacrifice your task and engage genuinely

M        Make eye contact and connection

I           Intentionally identify patient’s needs and wants

L          Listen with the intent to understand

E          Earn respect and initiate the relationship


S          Sacrifice your task and engage genuinely

Sounds simple?  But very difficult.  As multi-taskers, we naturally seem to prioritize our daily task list vs. making a genuine connection with the patient as they arrive. Humans crave connection and this is a critical step in engaging patients to choose your practice.  People can tell when the connection is disingenuous. Asking questions, allowing the patients to do the talking will translate into genuine interest.  

M         Make eye contact and connection

Make immediate eye contact, welcome by name and ensure you are focused on them.  Do not accept any interruptions from the phone, team members or other patients.

I           Intentionally identify patient’s needs and wants

When you find a team member that is able to anticipate the patient’s needs and wants – they are worth every dollar you pay them.  

L          Listen with the intent to understand

Asking questions will allow you to know exactly what they are looking for or what they did not get from the office they saw before they came to see you.  

E          Earn respect and initiate the relationship

Changing the mindset from patient service to a patient centered experience will aide in the execution of these insights to take your practice to the next level.


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